When children from Raymond Moretti elementary school come to discover Haliotis, a wastewater treatment plant.
4 June 2024
On Monday May 6, the Nice Haliotis wastewater treatment plant welcomed a class of CM1/CM2 pupils to discover the wastewater treatment process.
Organized in collaboration with the Méditerranée 2000 association, a long-standing partner of the plant, the morning gave them the opportunity to visit the site, following the flow of water through the various buildings and the treatment stages carried out into these before discharge into the sea.
It was also an opportunity for them to find out more about their future wastewater treatment plant. Thanks to a large 1/333rd scale model of the future plant and a film presenting the project, they were able to see everything that Haliotis 2 will be able to offer in terms of environmental and resource conservation, from the reuse of treated wastewater to biomethane production, including heat and cold recovery and sludge-to-energy conversion.
These visits are also an opportunity to raise awareness among the younger generation of these major issues, which will become even more important in their future lives as citizens, and to make them ambassadors of good water conservation practices to their parents and friends.